Own Land Already

When you partner with Frankly Royal View, building a home on your land is simple.

If you already own land, you're halfway there

If you already own a plot of land, you’re halfway to creating your dream house or an investment property.

Now that the property and site have been determined, it is time to begin construction.


Starting the construction before you have your land titles

If you’ve purchased unnamed land, we encourage starting the construction process as soon as possible so you may move into your home sooner rather than later. Starting early will allow you to choose your home design, color palette, and fixtures and fittings.

Savings all round

You can lock in today’s housing pricing for the next 12 months by starting early. Because housing prices fluctuate, starting the process before land titles allows you to lock in the build price today. Acting now may also mean lowering your interest rate, holding fees, and the amount of time you’ll be living in a rental.

The Build Process

Step 1 : Shortlist your preferred home designs

View our homes on our website, visit our displays and take virtual tours of our floorplans until you find a home that you think could be right for you.

Step 2: Meet your advisor

Our New Home Advisors will be able to talk through the details such as local council and land-developer requirements.

Step 3: Interior and exterior design

You’ll head into our inspiration and design centre, to pick out fixtures, fittings and colour schemes.

Step 4: Get your finances in order

You might already have preapproval from your bank, or you might need to source finance.

Step 5: Contract time

Your New Home Advisor will work with our operations teams to walk you through all the contract documentation, so you know exactly what you’re agreeing to.

Step 6: The build phase

There’s not much for you to do during this step except sit back, relax and watch your home take shape.

Step 7: Moving in

We’ll pass you the keys and outline everything you’ll need to know about living in and operating your new home, so you’ll love where you live.

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