The Ultimate Guide To Building a Real Estate Buyers List

Real estate investing might puzzle you.

Even though there is incredible money-making potential, the process of actually making the money usually isn’t fast or easy.

Let break it down, there are two important things you’ll need to make this a massively profitable and sustainable business:

  1. The ability to buy properties at very low prices.
  2. The ability to sell these properties quickly.

Sounds simple right?

So why isn’t everyone a real estate millionaire??

Have you ever wondered how the most successful real estate investors can build huge businesses and make such a huge killing?

How are they able to do it?

Through my own research, I’ve noticed a common pattern among top real estate investors.

"The key to their success is being excellent at selling"

Yes, selling.

Whether it’s their communication skills or they know someone that knows someone , they’ve figured out how to sell properties in just days, sometimes hours, without even listing them publicly.

This often works because they had the foresight to create a BUYERS LIST—something I’ve found to be a game-changer.

So, today, let’s dive into how you and I can build a similar buyers list for our real estate venture.

It all starts with laying the Foundation

Let’s start at square one.

When I talk about a “Buyers List,” I mean a list of real estate investors who are actively looking for new investment chances in a certain area.

The list basically has their names, email addresses, and sometimes phone numbers.

That’s pretty much the main idea.

This list should keep growing, changing, and getting better as new people find you—people who really want to buy what you’re selling

Why do I need a buyer list?

As a real estate investor, selling properties is something you’ll do again and again. It’s the heart of what you do.

This isn’t a one-time thing. You need to get good at it because you’ll ALWAYS have to do it to get paid.

Sadly, selling real estate isn’t as easy as sticking a “FOR SALE” sign in front of a house.

It’s not just calling a local realtor either, because they take a big chunk of your profit every time they sell a property for you.

Paying these fees over and over again isn’t a smart way to do business at all.

Selling real estate does need some marketing and promotion.

For some new investors, being a real estate “salesperson” doesn’t sound fun (I get it). But with the right approach, selling doesn’t have to be hard or time-consuming. When you have a solid buyers list, selling properties can actually be one of the easiest and most enjoyable parts of your business.

With a good buyers list, you’ll have a ready audience that has already said,

“I want what you’re selling”

In a way, this list is like your “life book.” No matter how big or small your business is, this list is valuable – to you and to anyone else who wants to sell to the people on your buyers list.

Can you do it? Yes, you can.

When you have a big, interested group of investors eager to see your next deal, you don’t have to rely only on selling websites or real estate agents.

As your list grows, you’ll eventually be able to sell properties with just one email. And it can all happen without listing your property on the open market.

Does having this kind of power sound appealing to you?

Ready to learn more, Call us for a Free 15min strategy session.

In these call you will discover

  • How to create the infrastructure you’ll need to start building your list (website, email service, texting service, etc).
  • 5+ creative ways to find cash buyers in your market.
  • How to consistently communicate with your list and keep your buyers active.
  • Different ways to communicate with your list (phone, email, text) and the pros and cons of each medium.

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